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Andre Hamel

Andre Hamel
Crédit photo : Martine Doyon

Born in 1955, André Hamel lives in Montréal and has been active as a composer since the mid-1980's. He is as interested in creation as the conditions of production. A member of the artistic committee of the Quebec Contemporary Music Society (SMCQ) from 2000 to 2018 and serving on the managing board of the Centre du Musique canadienne au Québec since 2013, he has been involved at the core of several organizations among which are the Société des Concerts Alternatifs du Québec, now known as Codes d’Accès, of which he was a founding member; the Conseil québécois de la musique and the Le Vivier Group. He also plays an integral part, along with Alain Dauphinais et Alain Lalonde, in the collective Espaces sonores illimités (ESI -

André Hamel's work have been performed near and far – his works have been heard in over fifteen countries. He has been attributed with a number of commissions, prizes and distinctions. He has been three times named laureate of the Prix collégien de musique contemporaine (1st place in 2018, 2nd place in 2016 and 2009), three times awarded the Opus Prize for creation of the year. Last in 2016-2017 for L’Être et la réminiscence, also in 2012-2013 and again in 1997-1998 (the Opus Prices are awarded by the Conseil québécois de la Musique), the Opus Prize for Composer of the Year 2015-2016, a prize accompanied by a bursary from the Council of Arts and Letters of Québec, the prestigious prize for composition Serge-Garant from the  Émile-Nelligan Foundation in 2012, the Joseph-S.-Stauffer prize from the Canada Council for the arts in 2000, as well as a special mention from the Concours international de composition Goffredo Petrassi(Arturo Toscanini Foundation, Parma, Italy – 1997). The multidisciplinary spectacle Urnos, for which he entirely composed the music, was recognized with an Opus Prize in 2010-2011 and its recordings, La trilogie du presto (Atma) and Les musiques d’Urnos (actuelleCD) were nominated as well for the Opus Prize in 2006-2007 and 2016-2017 respectively. In June 2007, his saxophone octet piece, À huit, was chosen among the recommended works at the Unesco International Tribune of Composers. From July 1st through December 31st , 2003 André Hamel benefited from a residency at the Quebec Studio in New York City.

Over the last few years, he has participated in several collective projects of stature including Traces dans l’espace (Montreal September-October 2016), Fanfares in situ (Montreal, June 2012), the reprise, within the Montreal New Music Festival (MNM) in 2011, of the multidisciplinary spectacle Urnos, the event Spatio lumino presented by Espaces sonores illimités (ESI) to open the MNM Festival in 2007, the sound garden Sonarium (Flora, CMC in 2006), the collective projects Symphonie des Éléments (MNM in 2005), Fanfares (FIMAV, ESI in 2005) as well as the  Symphonie du Millénaire (SMCQ - May 2000) to name but a few.


> Liste des œuvres d'André Hamel (PDF)



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La trilogie du presto - André Hamel

À huit (2001)- extrait no 1

À huit - extrait no 2

Deux baguettes dans un presto (1989)

Interférence sur le crin (1993)

Étude no 4 (1997)

L'heure bleue (2003)

trilogie du presto
Design de la pochette : Sonia Léontieff

Crédit photo : Rolline Laporte

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De souffles et de machines - Quasar

Les pâleurs de la lune (Pierre-Alexandre Tremblay)

Exposure 4.1 (Pedro Rebelo) 

Brumes matinales et textures urbaines 
(André Hamel)

Outer Planes - Predator Drone MQ-1 
(Wolf Edwards)



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Totem électrique - Totem contemporain

L’heure suspendue – André Hamel (2010)
pour FlyingCan et électronique en temps réel

Bol-Hydre – Gilles Gobeil (2011)
pour Bol et sons fixés

ksana – Benjamin Thigpen (2012)
pour deux Tu-Yos et électronique en temps réel

Plateforme – Félix-Antoine Morin (2009)
pour orgue de sirènes, sons fixés
et électronique en temps réel

Close Encounter – Jasper Nordin (2009)
pour Bol et électronique en temps réel



Pour écouter :

Pour acheter:


Autres extraits

Continuum Interruptus (2008)
pour clarinette, alto et piano

Extrait 1

Brumes matinales et textures urbaines

pour quatuor de saxophones et traitement en temps réel

Extrait 1

Quasar à St-John's (2013) Lien vidéo Youtube

Intérieur Nuit (2006)
œuvre électroacoustique pour un vidéo danse

Extrait 1

In Auditorium (1998)
pour 31 exécutants spatialisés

Extrait 1

Extrait 2

Théâtre Navrant (1991)
pour soprano, clarinette, guitare électrique et 7 musiciens

Extrait 1

Extrait 2

L'esprit ceint dans son corset (1991)
pour bande

Extrait 1

Extrait 2

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Travail au sein d'Espaces sonores illimités :

Cadavres presqu'exquis

In capella (1996)

Musiques en espace sacré

La Quête (1994)

Symphonie des éléments

Maëlstrom (2001)



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Musique à l'image

Intérieur nuit  (videodanse de Guylaine Savoie)


intérieur libre

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Andre Hamel Andre Hamel Andre Hamel <- Crédit photso :
Martine Doyon
Andre Hamel andrehamel Andre Hamel andrehamel <-Crédit photos : Rolline Laporte



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Revue de presse

> Revue de presse 1997 à 2007.

      Une réalisation de PLB Design